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The term LCD stands for 'Liquid Crystal Display' is made use of different types of devices like from small display devices to large display devices like calculator, TVs, etc. The advantages of the LCD display include size, low cost, power efficiency, etc. LCD display modules are usually found in all types of embedded devices. These displays even though look simple, but it is really hard to make it work. This display works with voltage pulses only with specific timing and also voltage levels. Hence special types of LCD drivers are implemented to drive the display. LCD module can be formed with two or more types of driver ICs together with the LCD screen which is normally found in embedded systems. This module makes a system separate which can take i/p and display the equivalent output. This specific project determines LCD interfacing with Arduino board.

LCD interfacing with Arduino

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In several Arduino-based embedded systems, LCDs plays an essential role.This article discusses LCD interfacing with Arduino. The LCD module used in this is JHD162A, which is a 16×2 LCD module based on the HD44780 driver. This module has 16-pins and can be functioned in 4-bit mode or 8-bit mode. Here we are using the LCD module in 4-bit mode. Before going into the details of this project, let's have a look at the LCD module.

LCD Interfacing with Arduino

Pin Diagram of LCD Module

The LCD module (JHD162A) has 16 -pins and can be worked in 4-bit mode (or) 8-bit mode. The proposed system uses the LCD module in 4-bit mode. Before going into the specifics of the project, let's have a look at the LCD module. The representation of a JHD162A LCD pin configuration is shown below.

The term and the functions of every pin of the LCD module are discussed below.

  • Pin-1 (Vss): GND pin of the LCD module.
  • Pin-2 (Vcc): Power (+5V supply) to LCD module
  • Pin-3 (VEE): Contrast adjustment pin, Logic this is done by connecting the terminals of a 10K potentiometer to Vcc and GND, then connecting the slider pin to the VEE-pin. The voltage at the VEE-pin describes the difference. The usual setting is between 0.4 & 0.9V.
  • Pin-4 (RS- Register select pin): The JHD162A has 2-registers such as data register and command regisThe logic high at RS-pin chooses data register and logic low at RS-pin chooses command register. If we make the RS -pin HIGH and feed an i/p to the DB0 to DB7 (data lines), this i/p will be treated as data to show on the LCD screen. If we make the RS -pin low and feed an i/p to the data lines, then this will be treated as a command.
  • Pin-5 (R/W- Read/Write modes): This pin is used for choosing between Read & Write modes. Logic HIGH at this pin actuates read mode and logic LOW at this pin actuates write mode.
  • Pin-6 (E-enable): This pin is meant for permitting the LCD module. A high to the low signal at this pin will permit the module.
  • Pin7 to Pin14 (DB0-DB7): These are data pins. The instructions and data are fed to the LCD module, though these data pins.
  • Pin-15 (LED+): Anode of the back LED light. When operated at 5V, a 560-ohm resistor should be associated in series with this pin. In Arduino based projects, the back LED light can be power-driven from the 3.3V source on the Arduino board.
  • Pin-16 (LED-): This is the Cathode terminal of the backlight LED.

Circuit diagram – Interfacing LCD with Arduino

The circuit diagram of interfacing LCD to Arduino for displaying a text message is shown below. The connections which are completed for LCD are given below:

Interfacing LCD with Arduino Circuit Diagram

The RS-pin of the LCD module is linked to digital pin-12 of the Arduino board. Read or Write pin of the display is grounded. Enable pin of the LCD module is connected to digital pin-11 of the Arduino board. In this project, the LCD module & Arduino board are interfaced in the 4-bit mode. This means only four of the digital i/p lines( DB4-DB7) of the display are used. This technique is very simple, needs fewer connections and you can almost utilize the full potential of the LCD module.

Digital lines (DB4, DB5, DB6 and DB7) are connected to the digital pins 5, 4, 3 and 2 of the Arduino board. The 10K potentiometer is used for regulating the difference of the display. Resistor R1 stop the current flow through the backlight LED. The Arduino board can be powered through the exterior power jack offered on the Arduino board. The required voltage in some other parts of the circuit can be selected from the 5V source on the Arduino board. This board can also be powered from the personal computer through the USB port. The full program for interfacing LCD to Arduino board is shown below.

// include the library code:
// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal LCD(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup() {
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(16, 2);
// Print a message to the lcd.
lcd.print('hello, world!');
void loop() {
// Turn off the display:
// Turn on the display:

Thus, this is all about LCD interfacing with Arduino.We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding this concept or to implement Arduino based projects, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below.Here is a question for you, What is the function of Arduino board?

PLC Programming Concept

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are the major components in industrial automation and control systems. The controlling nature of PLC is ranging from simple- push button switching to a single motor to several complex control structures. The PLC programming is an important task of designing and implementing control application depending on customers need. A PLC program consists of a set of instructions either in textual or graphical form, which represents the logic to be implemented for specific industrial realtime applications.

A dedicated PLC programming software comes from a PLC hardware of specific manufacturer that allows entry and development of user application code, which can be finally download to the PLC hardware. This software also ensures Human Machine Interface (HMI) as a graphical representation of variables. Once this program gets downloaded to the PLC and if the PLC is placed in Run mode, then the PLC continuously works according to the program. Before going to the program of the PLC, let us know the basics of the PLC programming tutorial and its basic concepts.

PLC Programming Basics

A CPU of the PLC executes two different programs:

1. The Operating System
2. The User Program

The Operating System

The operating system organizes all the functions, operations and sequences of the CPU that are not associated with a control task. The OS tasks include

  • Handling a hot restart and warm restart
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  • Updating and outputting the process image tables of input and outputs
  • Executing the user program
  • Detecting and calling the interrupts
  • Managing the memory areas
  • Establishing communication with programmable devices

PLC programming Basics

The User Program

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It is a combination of various functions which are required to process an automated task. This must be created by the users and need to be downloaded to the CPU of the PLC. Some of the tasks of the user program include:

  • Initiating all the conditions for starting the specified task
  • Reading and evaluating all binary and analog input signals
  • Specifying output signals to all binary and analog output signals
  • Executing interrupts and handling errors

In present industrial automation sector, there are several leading PLC manufactures that develop typical PLC's ranging from small to high-end PLC's. Each and every PLC manufacturer has its own dedicated software to program and configure the PLC hardware. But the PLC programming language is varied depending on the manufacturers. Some manufacturers have common programming languages and some others have dissimilar. Some of the standard programming languages of PLC are basically of two types, which are further sub-divided into several types, which are as follows:

1.Textual language

  • Instructions List (IL)
  • Structured Text (ST)

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  • Ladder Diagrams (LD)
  • Function Block Diagram (FBD)
  • Sequential Function Chart (SFC)

Compared with text based languages, graphical languages are preferred by many users to program a PLC due to their simple and convenient programming features. All the necessary functions and functional blocks are available in the standard library of each PLC software. These function blocks include timers, counters, strings, comparators, numeric, arithmetic, bit-shift, calling functions, and so on.

PLC Programming Devices

Various types of programming devices are used to enter, modify and troubleshoot a PLC program. These programming terminal devices include handheld and PC based devices. In the handheld programming device method, a proprietary device is connected to PLC through a connecting cable. This device consists of a set of keys that allows to enter, edit and dump the code into the PLC. These handheld devices consist of small display to make the instruction that has been programmed visible. These are compact and easy to use devices, but these handheld devices have limited capabilities.

Most popularly a Personal Computer (PC) is used for programming the PLC in conjunction with the software given by the manufacturer. By using this PC we can run the program in either online or offline mode, and can also edit, monitor, diagnose and troubleshoot the program of the PLC. The way of transferring the program to the PLC is shown in the above figure wherein the PC consists of program code corresponding to control application which is transferred to the PLC CPU via programming cable.

Ladder Logic PLC Programming

Ladder Logic PLC Programming

Among several programming languages ladder logic diagram is the most basic and simplest form of programming the PLC. Before going to program the PLC with this language, one should know some basic information about it. The below figure shows the hardwired-ladder diagram wherein the same lamp load is controlled by two push button switches, In case if any one of the switches gets closed, the lamp glows. Here two horizontal lines are called rungs which are connected between two vertical lines called rails. Each rung establishes the electrical continuity between positive (L) and negative rails (N) so that the current flows from the input to output devices. Some of the symbols used in ladder logic programming are shown in the figure.

Input switches are types include normally closed and normally opened as shown above. In addition to above given functional symbols, there are several functions like timer, counter, PID, etc., which are stored in the standard library to program complex tasks.

Step-By-Step Procedure for Programming PLC Using Ladder Logic

Step By Step Procedure for Programming PLC using Ladder Logic

The procedure for programming a PLC for a certain application depends on the type of standard manufacturer software tool and the type of control application. But in order to give a basic guidance to the students, this atrticle provides a simple approach of designing control application in PLC programming software, as given below But this way of programming doesn't exactly fit into all the types of programming tools and control applications.

Step 1: Analyze and Get the Idea of Control Application

The primary step to program the PLC is to get the idea for which you are going to develop an application-based program. If you are driving a line follower robot by the use of DC motor when the push button is pressed. This status must be displayed by the LED light when the motor gets turn on. The motor is also attached with a sensor (Here it is considered as another switch) that detects obstacles, so when this turned on, the motor should be turned off. And correspondingly, if the motor switched off, the buzzer should be turned on.

Step 2: List All the Conditions and Get the Design using Flowchart

The variables of the above project are M: Motor, A: Input Switch 1, B: Input Switch 2, L:LED and Bu: Buzzer, and the designing of the logic is easy with the implementation of flow chart, which is given below for the above application.

Flowchart of PLC Programming

Step3: Open and Configure the PLC Programming Software

Open the programming software installed in the PC that comes with PLC hardware. Select the hardware model of the PLC in the software and configure it with appropriate input and output modules. Download save mod motogp 08 season 2017 date. Select the ladder language (LD) from the list of the programming languages, and choose the hardware processor and give a name for the program.

Step 4: Add the Required Rungs and Address Them

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Add the required rungs based on the control application logic and give the address to the each and every input and outputs. The ladder logic diagram of the above discussed example is given below.

Example of Ladder Logic Program

Step 5: Check the Errors and Simulate It

Locate the Online section in the menu bar and select Online. Check for the errors and make necessary changes after selecting Offline. Again, go online and select the Run option to simulate it.

Step6: Download the Program to PLC CPU Memory

After the successful simulation of the program, download the program to CPU by selecting the Download option through a network or communication cable.

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This is about the PLC programming basics and its procedural steps. We hope that the given content is clear and easy for understanding. It is also possible to know and understand it better with specified software of particular PLC like RSLogix 500, Codesys, step 7, etc. You can share your views, suggestions on PLC programming or if you want any help pertaining to the examples , then write to us in the comment section below.

Photo Credits:

Visual Statement Edgefx

  • PLC programming Concept by automation
  • Procedure for Programming PLC by siemens
  • PLC Programming Software by blogspot

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